Bulletin Board Class of 1987

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 Hey classmates

Laura Satterfield and her Reunion Team is planning a 25 year High School Reunion on July 21, 2012.  The night before will be Jr. High Reunions.  Price for tickets are $70 per person,  You can find all the information at our web site.

If you have any questions please email us at: 

We hope to see you in July at the Long Beach Yacht Club

Also please keep your reunion committee informed of any changes of address or names by using the contact form on this web site.

Now that your reunion committee is organized, this web site will be your class bulletin board and point of contact for future years.  Yes! - even after the 25 year reunion, you will be able to contact your reunion committee any time between now and your 30 year reunion.

One of the hardest tasks of any reunion committee is locating all the classmates.  It takes hundreds of hours and many classmates are never found.  Please help your committee by keeping them informed of any changes in name, or even e-mail address changes and they can put more energy into a better planned reunion.  Take the time to Register Now

The maintenance of your class database is done by your reunion committee and this web site forwards all information to your committee.  The WilsonHighReunion.com web site does not keep any records of your class and we do not sell or share information.  Contact your reunion committee for information.

This web site is owned by members of Class of 1962 Reunion Committee and supported by donations from Wilson High Classmates.  This is an all volunteer effort and the little income donated by the reunion committees and classmates is used to keep this web site on the internet.  If it is within your budget, please send us a donation.


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