Wilson High School
Bulletin Board Class of 1976

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Hey classmate

Your 40 Year Reunion will be Saturday August 6 2016 at Long Beach Yacht Club. 

You can keep in contact with your classmates on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/groups/917883638261149/

We want to show you how much fun we had at the 30th so here are some pictures of the Bruins and Chearleaders.  Click on pictures to enlarge.

If you have not registered with your reunion committee yet, please do so now using our contact form

WE NEED YOUR HELP.  If you have contact with any classmates, please have them immediately register via this web site.

You can contact your Reunion Committee anytime at  This web site will function as our class bulletin board where we will post important information for you and updates on future reunion events.  Remember is is your responsibility to keep your reunion committee informed of your current contact information.  If you get married, change your name and move to Antarctica, we will have a hard time finding you.  After you are registered, you can also use our contact form to keep us informed of any changes you make. 

The maintenance of our class database is done by your reunion committee and this web site, WilsonHighReunion.com, forwards all information to your committee.  This web site does not keep any records of your class and does not sell or share information.  You are protected.

This web site is owned by members of Class of 1962 Reunion Committee and supported by donations from Wilson High Classmates.  This is an all volunteer effort and the little income donated by the reunion committees and classmates is used to keep this web site on the internet.  If it is within your budget, please send us a donation.


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