Bulletin Board Class of 1984  

[ Registration Form ]  [ Reunion Committee ]

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Hey classmates

Tula Trigonis is the Reunion Chair for your class and she needs your help. You might contact her if you are interested in helping.  It is a great way to renew old friendships.

Tula tells me the reunion is set for Saturday August 9th, 2014 at Kayak Cafe (aka Horney Corner) from 6 PM to 10PM.  The cost is $50 per person and inludes: appetizer, dinner, desert and open bar (bar, wine & specialty drinks).  There will be dancing under the Stars.  Casual beach attire.

Pre Party Friday August 8th - TBD

Please mail a check or Money Order paid to the order of "WHS Reunion 1984"
Ladies, please include your maiden name under the memo section of your check/money order.

Mail your reservations to: 
WHS REunion 1984
c/o Tula
203 Glendora Ave
Long Beach, CA 90803

Please use this web site to register with your Reunion Committee and you can follow the reunion on Facebook. www.Facebook.com/groups/wilsonbruins1984/

IMPORTANT NOTE The e-mail address where this web site was sending your registration information was wrong and we did not receive any registration information from you.  It is working properly now and we are asking you to re-register with your reunion committee.  Please click here to re-register.

[ Registration Form ]  [ Reunion Committee ]


Now that your reunion committee registered with us, this will be your class bulletin board and point of contact for future years.  Their e-mail address will be and you will be able to keep in contact with your reunion committee

The maintenance of your class database is done by your reunion committee and this web site forwards all information to your committee.  We do not keep any records of your class and do not sell or share information.

It is the Reunion Committees responsibility to provide us with a point of contact.  Now that Reunion Committee has  provided us with a point of contact, we provide you with a form you can use to send them your name and address.  From that point on, it will be your responsibility to keep your reunion committee informed of your current contact information.

[ Registration Form ]  [ Reunion Committee ]

This web site is owned by members of Class of 1962 Reunion Committee and supported by donations from Wilson High Classmates.  This is an all volunteer effort and the little income donated by the reunion committees and classmates is used to keep this web site on the internet.  If it is within your budget, please send us a donation.


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